EFI is a private school registered in Cambodia and managed by a board of directors composed of 5 permanent members and 2 guests:
The school is run by Amaury de Saint Blanquat and Fabric Filachet is the Principal of EFI.
The board of directors

Amaury de Saint Blanquat

Antoine Fontaine
Independent administrator

Kek Pung
Independent administrator

Boun Tan
Independent administrator

Fabrice Filachet
EFI principal

Géraldine Barta
EFI’s parents
Parents committee
The role and responsibilities of the parents committee include:
- Create a link between the parents, the school community and the EFI management
- Promote the interests of EFI students and give regular feedback to the school’s management
- Pass on information to parents
- Contribute to the good governance of EFI and act as a link between the management bodies
- Organize events to inform, meet or welcome new families to the school
- Participate in major school events and propose new ones for the benefit of the school community